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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 

At Hercules Group of Companies, we know the importance of long-term learning and growth. We’re constantly working to provide opportunities for our employees to improve their skills and capabilities because we hire and keep the best. We place a strong emphasis on formal leadership & technical skills training, because we know it’s an essential stepping stone for our workforce, and the company as a whole, to be its best.


At the beginning of 2019, we circulated a Values and Attitude survey to gauge our employees’ needs and feelings for the company, which helps us understand the needs of the company and our teams. From this survey, we learned Hercules GoC needed an effective tool to support our leaders so they have the tools they need to achieve results & properly lead our teams.

To accomplish this goal, we chose Franklin Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People—It provides a fantastic framework that help’s with all aspects of our busy lives, not just inside of the office. I think many of us can relate to stresses from taking work home with us, and vice-versa. In a leadership position, you can’t be the best mentor you can be if you’re struggling on your own day-to-day. You can’t pour from an empty cup!

What’s it like to pour from an empty cup?

Here’s what our one of our Outside Sales and Account Managers, had to say about struggling to find work-life balance—

”Before the course I used to bring work home with me at times, which prevented me from being the best dad and spouse I could, AND SHOULD be. Since taking the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People course, and applying all 7 habits, I’ve been able to turn the switch off when I walk in the house, and really live in the moment. I act different, I think different, and I’m always striving to improve home life for our kids. I’ve been doing more activities with them and can’t stress enough how I’ve learned to appreciate and be mindful of my time. It’s opened my eyes and given me a renewed perspective on how lucky I am.”


Hercules Group of Companies leaders completed 2 rounds of this program. The first focused on learning the 7 Habits which are: Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, Put First Things First, Think Win/Win, Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood, Synergize, and Sharpen the Saw.

What did leaders at Hercules GoC do to really learn and apply these habits?

Leader’s were inspired by videos of other companies success & experience using the 7 Habits, they shared meaningful discussion and participated in group & role-playing activities like the “Big Rocks” exercise. What on Earth is a ‘big rock’ other than a hunk of minerals? Discover what ‘big rocks’ are in the video below!


Habit 6: Synergize, the principle of creative cooperation. 

Hercules SLR Branch Manager from Langley BC shared some of these habits with her team as she implemented them. One team member shared that they’ve taped this habit to their computer,

“Be synergistic with yourself. Don’t take insults personally, sidestep negative energy, and look for the good in others. You can utilize that good—As different as it may be—To improve your point of view and enlarge your perspective.” They added, “I have felt this way a lot and reading this really helps me to not take everything personally. Sometimes other people and myself included, could be having a bad day and may come across in the wrong way. I had this experience recently only to realize that the other person was having a bad day!” – A great perspective to take away from the 7 Habits!

The second round was all about taking what was learned and implementing it as leaders! They continued on to meet in small groups on a bi-weekly basis following the training, so that the meaningful discussion could continue as they worked through the remainder of the program and read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People book.

How have the 7 Habits helped Hercules’ Financial Analyst, Angela? She shared how the 7 Habits program has affected her day-to-day life, and says,

“It did not happen right away after the course, but with continuous practice, group discussions and my beloved colleagues working as my accountability partners, I feel that positive change is happening to me and I gradually feel stronger and closer to a better version of myself. I also see people and circumstances through a different and more positive angle which urges me to take steps and reflect again and again to better understand, think win-win and synergize with people including colleagues, stakeholders at work and family members at home.”


Now that we’ve seen the positive affects the 7 Habits program has had on the everyday lives of Hercules Group of Companies leaders—We’re incredibly excited to announce we’ll be rolling it out to all staff! Over the course of 4 months, Hercules Group of Companies leaders will share what they’ve learned with the rest of the company as we share & guide them through all 7 habits of highly effective people, and we’re talking the talk and walking the walk—We’re sharing how their managers have been implementing those habits into their daily lives and making big changes.

We can’t wait to see how the 7 Habits training continues to impact Hercules Group of Companies—This is one of many steps forward in our never-ending learning journey. We’re confident it’ll result in us serving customers & clients better, but also help us become better family members, friends, neighbours and peers—Which is just as valuable & important to Hercules Group of Companies.


The Hercules Group of Companies encompasses a wide portfolio of products and services across 7 diverse companies.