
 Hercules SLR is now Hercules Crane & Lifting Supplies!

Mobile rigging and lifting equipment inspections

Mobile rigging and lifting equipment inspections

Rigging and lifting equipment must be inspected on a regular basis under provincial labour laws and Health and Safety Acts. Rigging and lifting equipment can be sent to our Hercules facilities for inspection, repair, proof testing, and re-certification.

Such equipment must be removed from service for a length of time in order to be transported to and from our locations, which is a generally accepted and practical solution in most circumstances, and it is still the only option to apply a proof load at our stationary, in-store proof test machines with some high-capacity rigging equipment.  

However, many manufacturing enterprises cannot afford to have their slings, shackles, plate clamps, eye bolts, and other lifting equipment out of service for even a short time.

The good news is… WE will come to you. We have rigging inspectors that are LEEA Certified and accredited, as well as two mobile test units complete with test beds capable of testing up to 150,000 lbs (75 tonnes comparable to a Proof Test load of a 35-tonne shackle or a 1-1/4′′ chain sling).

We come to you and:

Check your lifting and rigging equipment against previously entered data in CertTracker®, our FREE online database to which you have FULL access from any computer, laptop, tablet, or phone with an internet connection.

  • Examine your equipment in accordance with industry norms (in most cases these are the ASME B3 series of Standards)
  • Complete essential repairs on-site wherever possible
  • Replace the capacity and FIELD ID tags on chain slings, or add an inspection tag, sticker, or barlock
  •  Load the equipment to the appropriate proof test tension (between 125 and 200 percent of Lifting Capacity, depending on the kind and class of equipment) In the CertTracker® database, enter the inspection results
  • Make it possible to print Test Certificates and have all inspection results on hand for the next Health and Safety Inspection

And here’s the newest edition to our Mobile Test Unit Fleet that will be covering our Quebec region. Pictured here outside of our central distribution center in Cornwall, Ontario.


The Hercules Group of Companies encompasses a wide portfolio of products and services across 7 diverse companies.